From an economically liberal standpoint, your conclusion doesn't seem justified. A third option – the one occurring as we speak – is the importation of millions of young workers ("lumps of labor" in your terms) in order to prop up the tottering system. I say "from an economically liberal standpoint" because it would seem that "growth" would be a canonical way out of the predicament. Also, average male life expectancy in the U.S. is about 73 for men, and it is declining.
That would be an interesting third solution. It would have to be a continuous process though. Allowing 10 million twenty-somethings into the US in 2024 to increase payments into Social Security would just kick the can down the road.
50-60 million immigrants from south of the border since 1965. It's an ongoing, massive thing. A friend on the border patrol says it's basically wide open where he is. We're not really allowed to talk about the issue, so I can see why it's not common knowledge (I mean in the "respectable" conversation). I see a lot of rural Oregon, and I can see who's working, picking the food, building the houses – they sure aren't white.
Otto Von Bismarck strikes again. He invented this idea of "retirement," paying old people (over 70) to leave the economy so young people could work instead.
From an economically liberal standpoint, your conclusion doesn't seem justified. A third option – the one occurring as we speak – is the importation of millions of young workers ("lumps of labor" in your terms) in order to prop up the tottering system. I say "from an economically liberal standpoint" because it would seem that "growth" would be a canonical way out of the predicament. Also, average male life expectancy in the U.S. is about 73 for men, and it is declining.
That would be an interesting third solution. It would have to be a continuous process though. Allowing 10 million twenty-somethings into the US in 2024 to increase payments into Social Security would just kick the can down the road.
50-60 million immigrants from south of the border since 1965. It's an ongoing, massive thing. A friend on the border patrol says it's basically wide open where he is. We're not really allowed to talk about the issue, so I can see why it's not common knowledge (I mean in the "respectable" conversation). I see a lot of rural Oregon, and I can see who's working, picking the food, building the houses – they sure aren't white.
Otto Von Bismarck strikes again. He invented this idea of "retirement," paying old people (over 70) to leave the economy so young people could work instead.