In the early days of IG I fully agreed with your take here, for many of the same reasons.

Now - not so much. For one reason: things don’t need to look good in real life to look good in photos. Most of those “hip” looking restaurant scenes look like trash IRL

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That's a good point. I don't follow many IG influencers so I wouldn't be able to say. I still claim that there are lot more aesthetically pleasing small businesses than there used to be.

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I once heard that it’s vanity to fight against technology - once it’s here, resisting it is futile. Our only choice is to learn to live with it.

Great point about parents needing to take responsibility to teach children how to use technology. By the time the next generation comes around, who knows what will be available by then!

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Reminds me of one of my favorite bumper stickers: We are Microsoft. Resistance is futile.

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